Showing posts from May, 2020
Reflections on the Protestant Revolution - Crisis Magazine
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Reflections on the Protestant Revolution - Crisis Magazine : According to one sage observation: he who gets to name names, wins. Why do we talk about the Protestant Reformation and not the Protestant Revolution, for example? After all, Martin Luther commenced his journey as a reformer, repulsed righteously, as most of us would be, by the corruption and decadence of the Rome of his …
Next Time, There Will Be No Excuses - Crisis Magazine
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Next Time, There Will Be No Excuses - Crisis Magazine : It’s beginning to look as though the pandemic that has hit the world like a global tsunami might be finally waning. In its wake, we find ourselves picking up the pieces of broken religious practices following an unprecedented time in history in which the faithful were deprived of the sacraments through the orders of their …
Rome: The Eternal City
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Movies about Rome 1. La Dolce Vita won the Palme d'Or (Golden Palm) at the 1960 Cannes Film Festival and the Oscar for Best Costumes. The film was a worldwide box-office success and a critical success, and is now frequently regarded as one of the greatest films in world cinema. La Dolce Vita 1960 • Final Scene • ( English Subs ) 2. La Strada, Regarded by some as Federico Fellini's finest work and the winner of the first Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, La .. 3. Marcello Mastroianni plays Guido Anselmi, a director whose new project is collapsing around him, along with his life. One of the ... Actors: Marcello Mastroianni, Bruno Agostini, Sandra Milo Director: Federico Fellini Federico Fellini 8 1/2 Harem Scene [EN SUB]
MAY 14: Pope Reminds Religions Today Unite in Prayer & Fasting for End to Pandemic
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MAY 14: Pope Reminds Religions Today Unite in Prayer & Fasting for End to Pandemic (FULL HOMILY) ‘This Is Not Religious Relativism,’ Pope Francis Adamantly Reaffirms MAY 14, 2020 12:48 DEBORAH CASTELLANO LUBOV POPE'S MORNING HOMILY Today, May 14th, religions across the world are invited to unite in prayer and fasting for an end to the pandemic… Pope Francis reminded faithful of this today during his private daily Mass, streamed from his residence Casa Santa Marta, reported Vatican News, stressing we are, no matter our religious affiliation, brothers and sisters. “Today, the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity,” Francis reminded, “has called for a day of prayer and fasting to ask the merciful God for an end to this tragic moment of the pandemic.” “We are all brothers and sisters,” he continued, reminding: “St Francis of Assisi used to say: “All brothers and sisters”. And so, men and women of every religious confession are uniting themselves today in prayer and ...
Pope’s Morning Homily: Abiding in Jesus, Enables Us to Bear Unimaginable Fruit May 13
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Pope’s Morning Homily: Abiding in Jesus, Enables Us to Bear Unimaginable Fruit (FULL TEXT) Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Pope Francis Prays for Students & Teachers MAY 13, 2020 12:41 DEBORAH CASTELLANO LUBOV POPE'S MORNING HOMILY When we abide in Jesus, He enables us to do more than we could ever imagine… Today, May 13th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Francis gave this powerful reminder during his private daily Mass, streamed from his residence Casa Santa Marta, reported Vatican News. At the start of the Mass during this global coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis prayed specifically for students and teachers. “We pray today,” the Pope said, “for students, the boys and girls who study, and for their teachers who need to find new ways to continue educating.” “May the Lord,” he prayed, “help them on this path and grant them courage and success.” In his homily, the Holy Father reflected on today’s Gospel, according to St. John (Jn 15:1-8), in whic...
During Morning Mass, Pope Praises Heroism of Nurses (FULL TEXT) May 12
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During Morning Mass, Pope Praises Heroism of Nurses (FULL TEXT) Pope Francis Distinguishes Between Jesus’ and Worldly Peace MAY 12, 2020 12:46 DEBORAH CASTELLANO LUBOV POPE'S MORNING HOMILY Pope Francis has praised the heroism of nurses. This International Nurses Day, May 12th, Pope Francis did so during his private daily Mass, streamed from his residence Casa Santa Marta, reported Vatican News. At the start of the Mass during this global coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis prayed specifically for nurses, underscoring that more than just a profession, being a nurse “is a vocation.” Nursing, he reminded, is a calling that, especially in this time of pandemic, is marked by heroism – even to the point of giving one’s life. In his homily, the Holy Father reflected on today’s Gospel, according to St John: “Peace I leave you; my peace I give you” (Jn 14:27), before distinguishing the peace the world gives and the peace given by Jesus gives. This peace, the Pontiff unde...
Our Help in Everyday Decision Making? The Holy Spirit (Full Text of Pope’s Morning Homily) Pope Francis Prays for Those Who Lost Work or Lack Work May 11
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Our Help in Everyday Decision Making? The Holy Spirit (Full Text of Pope’s Morning Homily) Pope Francis Prays for Those Who Lost Work or Lack Work MAY 11, 2020 12:41 DEBORAH CASTELLANO LUBOV POPE'S MORNING HOMILY Everyone needs a bit of help when making decisions, whether big or small… When uncertain what to do, the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis says, is our helper, leading us in the right direction. According to Vatican News, today, May 11th, the Pontiff expressed this during his private daily Mass at his residence Casa Santa Marta. At the start of the Mass, Pope Francis prayed for all victims of Coronavirus, and specifically for those who have lost their jobs or lack work. “In these days,” Francis said, “many people have lost their jobs,” noting many “have not been re-employed, or are working ‘under the table.'” “We pray for these brothers and sisters of ours who are suffering because of lack of work,” he said. In his homily, the Holy Father reflected on toda...
Pope at Mass prays for those who have lost their jobs May 11
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Pope at Mass prays for those who have lost their jobs Pope Francis turns his thoughts during morning Mass to those who are suffering because they have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and reflects on how God has sent the Holy Spirit to accompany and sustain us throughout our lives. By Linda Bordoni Pope Francis presided over Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on the Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter. During his introduction he said that at this time his thoughts go to the unemployed. “In these days many people have lost their jobs”, the Pope said, many have not been re-employed, or are working "under the table." “We pray for these brothers and sisters of ours who are suffering because of lack of work,” he said. During the homily, the Pope commented on today's Gospel (Jn 14:21-26). He said it is the ‘Farewell Discourse’ after the Last Supper in which Jesus reassures His disciples and tells them they will never be left alone. “Whoever loves me will keep my...
Santa Marta Saturday: Pope Offers Mass for Daughters of Charity of St. Paul-The Holy Spirit Makes the Church Grow May 9
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Santa Marta Saturday: Pope Offers Mass for Daughters of Charity of St. Paul The Holy Spirit Makes the Church Grow MAY 09, 2020 17:56 ZENIT STAFF POPE'S MORNING HOMILY Pope Francis on May 9, 2020, offered his Saturday Mass for the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul who help the Pope and live in the Casa Santa Marta. In his homily, he said the Holy Spirit makes the Church grow, while the evil spirit tries to destroy it with envy, power, and money, according to the report published in Vatican News. In his homily, the Pope recalled the memorial of Saint Luisa de Marillac, who co-founded the Daughters of Charity with Saint Vincent de Paul. A community of the nuns lives in the Casa Santa Marta, and run the pediatric dispensary in the Vatican. Her feast day was earlier on March 15 but since it fell during Lent, it was moved to May 9 in 2016. A painting of the foundress was placed at the side of the altar in the chapel for her feast. “Today is the com...
Santa Marta Sunday: Pope Prays for European Unity--Bishops Called to Pray and Proclaim the Word
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Santa Marta Sunday: Pope Prays for European Unity Bishops Called to Pray and Proclaim the Word MAY 10, 2020 17:31 ZENIT STAFF POPE'S MORNING HOMILY Pope Francis began Sunday morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta recalling two anniversaries that have fallen in the past two days, reported Vatican News. The first, “the 70th anniversary of Robert Shuman’s Declaration out of which the European Union was born”, and the second, “the commemoration of the end of the war”. He invited us to “pray to the Lord for Europe that it might grow united, in this fraternal unity that allows all peoples to grow in unity in diversity”. During his homily, Vatican News said, he reflected on Jesus’s intercessory role before His Father described in the Gospel (John 14:1-12). Then he focused on Peter’s description of the role of the Apostles (Acts 6:1-7). This also applies to the role of the Successors of the Apostles, the Bishops. Their first task, Pope Francis emphasized, is prayer...
It's All About Time-Clock-french-republic-Late 18th-century French revolutionary decimal (Arabic) and Roman clockface.
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