
Showing posts from March, 2020

Saint Bega of Bees, a Saint of Solitude - England (Film Clip)


An apostle of Mary's Dowry (Film Trailer) Blessed Dominic Barberi


Cardinal Nichols on the re-dedication of England as Mary's Dowry

Image Cardinal Nichols on the re-dedication of England as Mary's Dowry England will be re-dedicated at noon to Mary as her "dowry". Cardinal Nichols explains the signficance of this re-dedication. By Fr John Waters In an interview with Vatican News, The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, explained how the planned rededication of England as Mary’s dowry will go ahead, despite the restrictions on British society. Churches across Britain have closed, in line with medical advice, so as to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. READ ALSO 28/03/2020 England to be re-dedicated as the "Dowry of Mary" amidst coronavirus pandemic Recaptures ancient Catholic heritage Speaking to Vatican News, Cardinal Nichols explained that “the rededication is a recapturing of an ancient part of our Catholic heritage.” The Cardina

The Story of Garabandal. On June 18, 1961, four girls, Conchita Gonzalez (12), Mari Cruz Gonzalez (11) Jacinta Gonzalez (12), and Mari Loli Mazon (12) were playing on the outskirts of the village when they heard a sound like thunder.

'Answer Quickly, O Virgin' - Crisis Magazine

'Answer Quickly, O Virgin' - Crisis Magazine : On this solemnity which celebrates the high-water point in the history of salvation, permit me to explore with you three Latin expressions. The first is, verbum caro factum est: “The Word became flesh.” We find this line, of course, in the Prologue to St. John’s Gospel, and the Epistle to the Hebrews tells us that …

England: The Dowry of Mary FULL FILM


Male and Female He Created Them. And for a Good Reason - Crisis Magazine

Male and Female He Created Them. And for a Good Reason - Crisis Magazine : It has been just six years since I wrote Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity, warning against the fantasy that two members of the same sex can marry one another, when they cannot even have sexual relations but can only mimic them. I founded my arguments not upon Scripture or the teaching of the Church—indeed I did not …

Celibacy Is a Gift to Priests—and the Laity - Crisis Magazine

Celibacy Is a Gift to Priests—and the Laity - Crisis Magazine : Few books have caused so much controversy even before they were published than did From the Depths of Our Hearts, a new defense of clerical celibacy in the Roman Church by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah. On January 14, Benedict’s private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, told the Italian news agency ANSA that, …

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: This Morning: Private Judgment and "Dangers to the...

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: This Morning: Private Judgment and "Dangers to the... : As  promised , this morning Matt Swaim and I will examine St. John Henry Newman's " Dangers to the Penitent " from his Angli...

From St Peter's Basilica, Angelus prayer and Holy Rosary


Up In The Frat House lyric video | Black Christmas (2019) Soundtrack


Up In The Frat House
