
Showing posts from 2020

Twenty “missionaries” killed in the world in 2020

Twenty “missionaries” killed in the world in 2020 The Vatican’s news agency has drawn up a list of pastoral workers, men and women they describe as “missionaries”, who were killed in the world during 2020. By Vatican News staff writer The annual list says that the 20 “missionaries” killed include 8 priests, 1 male religious, 3 nuns, 2 seminarians and 6 lay people. Fides uses the term "missionary" for all the baptized, aware of what Pope Francis explains in his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii gaudium: “In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples.” In fact “Every Christian,” the Pope says, “is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are ‘disciples’ and ‘missionaries’, but rather that we are always ‘missionary disciples’”. The highest number of casualties this year were in the Americas, with 5 priests and 3 lay people killed. Africa comes next

M. T. A. - Kingston Trio (Boston Song)


"Thursdays with Charlie" - Episode 33 - “Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt...


Thirteen Women - Bill Haley and his Comets

.under the spreading chestnut tree Harem Scarem.

"Thursdays with Charlie" - Episode 32 - “Oderint Dum Metuant” - December...


Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (from The Concert in Central Park)


The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps




UK Bishops encourage Catholics to get vaccinated against Covid-19

UK Bishops encourage Catholics to get vaccinated against Covid-19 The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales are encouraging Catholics to get vaccinated against Covid-19, saying they do not commit a sin by using the vaccines developed by Pfizer & BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca, which were authorized this week by the British Government. By Lisa Zengarini Some people have questioned the moral permissibility of AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine, produced by Oxford University, arguing it has been developed from cell-lines originating from the cells of an aborted foetus in 1983. According to a statement released Thursday by the Department for Social Justice of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW), however, “one does not sin by receiving the vaccine”. 'Not a sin' The statement, signed by Bishop Richard Moth, cited the views expressed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pontifical Academy of Life (PAV), according to which

Fr Paul Grogan, subject of a new film entitled "Priest" (Photo credit Michael Whyte)Fr Paul Grogan, subject of a new film entitled "Priest" (Photo credit Michael Whyte)

Fr Paul Grogan, subject of a new film entitled "Priest" (Photo credit Michael Whyte)Fr Paul Grogan, subject of a new film entitled "Priest" (Photo credit Michael Whyte) WORLD PRIESTS FAITH CULTURE New film “Priest” explores value of faith A new documentary film released online, follows the day-to-day life of an English priest from the beginning of Lent to Easter Sunday. By Lydia O’Kane Down through the years, there have been numerous portrayals of priests on the big screen, whether it be two time Oscar winner Spencer Tracy in Boys Town or a young Gregory Peck in Keys to the Kingdom. Television too, has had its fair share of clerics, some of whom end up helping the local constabulary with their crime cracking abilities: think G.K. Chesterton’s amiable Father Brown or Fr Dowling. However, in a new film currently available online, British director Michael Whyte chooses instead to present a “fly on the wall” view of day-to-day priestly life. Entitled simply “Pri



Down On Me


We Built this City w/ Lyrics


San Francisco - Scott McKenzie


Canadian Bishops reiterate opposition to euthanasia Bill

Canadian Bishops reiterate opposition to euthanasia Bill The Canadian Catholic Bishops submit a Brief on Bill C-7 on euthanasia to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, reiterating their opposition to the Bill and calling for palliative care for all.. By Lisa Zingarini In a Brief submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights this week, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has reiterated its steadfast opposition to the C-7 Bill that further expands euthanasia and assisted suicide (referred to as “medical assistance in dying” - “MAID”) in Canada. The new law If the new law is approved, MAID would be provided to people who are not even approaching death, but who are experiencing suffering which they find intolerable and who no longer wish to live. Its provisions also allow euthanasia to be performed without a patient’s explicit consent at the time of the procedure in certain circumstances. The changes are being introduced after a rul

Who is Saint John Lateran?

Who is Saint John Lateran? : By Father Brian Morris Last Thursday, November 9, we celebrated Mass for the feast of St. John Lateran. Some of you might ask, who is this fellow? You won’t find him in the authoritative …

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: St. John Henry Newman's "Re-Imagining" of Purgatory

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: St. John Henry Newman's "Re-Imagining" of Purgatory : On Monday, October 26, I watched Professor Kenneth Parker's Journey Home episode on EWTN. He is currently the Ryan Endowed Chair for Ne...

: Belloc on "The French Revolution"

Book Review: Belloc on "The French Revolution" Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:06 AM PST Hilaire Belloc, born in France of a French father and an English mother, does not tell the history of the French Revolution in this relatively brief book. He analyses the causes, characters, events, and issues of the Revolution, including the military campaigns fought in France by the Revolutionaries against European monarchies. He offer character sketches, much as he did in his Characters of the Reformation, and argues that the Catholic Church has nothing to fear from democracy nor democracy from the Catholic Church. His target audience is an English reader or student; perhaps one hostile to Catholicism based on centuries of prejudice. The book was published in 1911, just 61 years after the Restoration of the Catholic hierarchy in England to a most hostile public and legislative response. Belloc attempts to explain the context of Catholicism in France after the Wars of Religion and after the

Not Called Great for Nothing By Br. Nicodemus Thomas, O.P.|November 10, 2020|Catholicism, Papacy, Saints

Not Called Great for Nothing By Br. Nicodemus Thomas, O.P.|November 10, 2020|Catholicism, Papacy, Saints View Larger Image Today’s patron, Saint Leo is indeed great. The fifth century bishop of Rome reigned as Pope during the last years of the Western Roman empire. His list of accomplishments is impressive. He heroically met with Attila the Hun to save the Italian peninsula from invasion, and he was a father to the Roman people whom the emperors abandoned. However, the Church does not call St. Leo “great” merely because of his patrician birth or his political savvy. After all, the empire was falling apart and would end officially a decade after his death. So it might seem, if we only examine his secular accomplishments, that St. Leo is called “great” for reasons that do not merit the title. During the fifth century, St. Leo preached against a group called the Monophysites who argued that there is a single nature in Christ. In other words, they claimed that Jesus Christ is not both rea

A New Resistance Is Rising - Crisis Magazine

A New Resistance Is Rising - Crisis Magazine : A friend of mine, an early activist in the Christian Democrat party in El Salvador, told me a story that I have been thinking about lately. Before I had ever gone to that country as a missionary, the parish school building served as a polling place. When they were setting up for an election, my …

We're Headed for the Catacombs - Crisis Magazine

We're Headed for the Catacombs - Crisis Magazine : “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.” — Francis Cardinal George I had …

The Way of Death

Our culture not only permits, but promotes abortion, euthanasia, murder, revenge, suicide (assisted or otherwise), war, capital punishment, contraception, human cloning, human sterilization, embryonic stem cell and fetal research, In Vitro Fertilization, homosexuality, promiscuity, infidelity, and divorce. These proclivities lead to the destruction of life and its natural origins. They devalue human life, leading to an explosion of all types of sins. When we do not value human life, we do not value people. This leads us to sin by harming ourselves and others since we do not see the face of God in others. Here is what the Didache says about the “Way of Death”: And the way of death is this: First of all it is evil and full of curse: murders, adulteries, lusts, fornications, thefts, idolatries, magic arts, witchcrafts, rapines, false witnessing's, hypocrisies, double-heartedness, deceit, haughtiness, depravity, self-will, greediness, filthy talking, jealousy, over-confidence, lof

The Bishops Have Spoken: Abortion Trumps - Crisis Magazine

The Bishops Have Spoken: Abortion Trumps - Crisis Magazine : The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has been very clear in its characterization of the most important issue in this election: “The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.” Other issues—immigration, racism, poverty and the death penalty—are of great importance and require urgent attention, but even though they are prominent issues, abortion is preeminent among them. …

Xi's Mandate of Heaven: Rewriting the Bible - Crisis Magazine

Xi's Mandate of Heaven: Rewriting the Bible - Crisis Magazine : What do Xi Jinping and Thomas Jefferson have in common? There may be a hundred interesting answers (which you can consider at your leisure), but as yet there is one that is both fairly substantial and sufficiently documented: both men set out to rewrite the Bible. Jefferson’s project—initially undertaken while president of the United States—was …

Voting for Abortion is a Crime Against Humanity - Crisis Magazine

Voting for Abortion is a Crime Against Humanity - Crisis Magazine : Abortion is an intrinsic moral evil. It involves carrying out or arranging to carry out the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. An intrinsic evil is an action that is always gravely sinful regardless of the circumstances. There are no exceptions, no grey areas. The U.S. federal government is guilty of and complicit in …

Pope Francis to Europe: Be Yourself! Rediscover Your Ideals.. Remain Under the Protection of Your Patron Saints - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis to Europe: Be Yourself! Rediscover Your Ideals.. Remain Under the Protection of Your Patron Saints - ZENIT - English : Francis Sends Letter to Cardinal Parolin on 40th Anniversary of COMECE, 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Holy See & EU and of Presence of Holy See as Permanent Observer at Council of Europe (Full Text)

Gnawed Off Fingers By Br. Bartholomew Calvano, O.P. on October 19, 2020

Gnawed off fingers. That was the reward Saint Isaac Jogues received for preaching the Gospel. There were other tortures too, but the missing fingers were what really left their mark. They couldn’t be hidden. They weren’t just any fingers either. His thumb and index finger on both hands were either missing or mutilated. You’d be hard-pressed to find worse wounds you could give a priest. At the time, these were the only fingers with which a priest could lawfully touch the Eucharist. That meant that even after escaping his imprisonment he was unable to celebrate Mass. It would be months before he made it back to Europe and received permission to be allowed to hold the Eucharist with his remaining digits, which only the Pope could give. These wounds could reasonably spell the end of a missionary career, but St. Isaac Jogues returned to the New World again to preach the Gospel. He was martyred in 1646, only ten years after he had gone to New France for his first mission. Today we celebr

CARDINAL MINDSZENTY   According to 1949 census data, 70 percent of the Hungarian population, or about 6.5 million people, were Catholic. Therefore, the Catholic Church had significant social, public and political influence as well as important material resource.  Their education, social, cultural and church institutions covered the entire country. Consequently, the Catholic Church played a major role in the cultivation and observation of national culture and traditions.  On 7 October 1945, the Holy See placed a charismatic pontiff at the head of the Hungarian Catholic church, József Mindszenty, who said no to both terror and dictatorship.  As the Bishop of Veszprém, he was imprisoned first by the Arrowcross and later by the Communists in 1949. Under the leadership of Archbishop Mindszenty, the Catholic Church roused hundreds of followers to protect church institutions.  Above all, the church protected Catholic schools and prote

My Fair Lady - Why Can't The English?


Catholics Pray For Protesters Who Knocked Down Statue Of Junipero Serra ...


California Catholics pray, protest at destroyed St. Junipero Serra statue

California Catholics pray, protest at destroyed St. Junipero Serra statue : Catholics in California rallied in a peaceful demonstration Tuesday evening at the former site of a statue of St. Junipero Serra, which a group of activists defaced and pulled down earlier this week.

Rethinking the Enlightenment - Crisis Magazine

Rethinking the Enlightenment - Crisis Magazine : “We are victims of our century,” wrote one of the Carmelites of Compiègne before going to the guillotine in 1794, “and we must sacrifice ourselves that it be reconciled to God.” Attacks on Catholic churches, anti-Christian elites, and suffocating political correctness—the eighteenth century witnessed cultural conflict every bit as intense as our own today. Yet …

Hawley vs. the Know-Nothings - Crisis Magazine

Hawley vs. the Know-Nothings - Crisis Magazine : At last. On the first day of Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Republican senators stood up to the anti-religious bigotry of their Democratic colleagues over the disgraceful treatment of Judge Barrett’s Catholic faith. One of the greatest highlights was Senator Josh Hawley’s impassioned opening statement against the blatant anti-Catholic bigotry …

Protesters Topple Junipero Serra Statue In San Rafael To Mark Indigenous Peoples' Day

Protesters Topple Junipero Serra Statue In San Rafael To Mark Indigenous Peoples' Day : Protesters pulled down a statue of Junipero Serra in downtown San Rafael, Monday evening.



Democrats Are the New Know-Nothings - Crisis Magazine

Democrats Are the New Know-Nothings - Crisis Magazine : With the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, Catholics should buckle their chinstraps for the torrential cascade of anti-Catholicism that will be belched up by her opponents. The vituperative attacks on Catholics will probably rival the Know-Nothing riots that rocked the nation in the 1840s and 1850s. But this time, there …

The Box: in it or Out of it

                                                                    The Oldest Camera (In Italian Camera = Room)                                                        Old RCA_630-TS_Television                                                                      Newer TV's                                                                  Older Computer                                                                 Older smart phones                                                             Surveillance Cameras                                              Big Brother has been watching us and still is                                      Don't Panic, Repent and Reconcile with The Holy Church                                                   Tabernacle Saint George Catholic Church,  St Edith Stein: "The parables present the divine truth in a locked box, as it were. Often it is left to us to look for the key.&

The whole see of Denmark is a Prison as it is all Nations-Digital Prisons-"We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"

         "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"                                                      Old School                                                  Radio Towers                                         Radio Networks across usa                                        Radio Towers in Canada                                          Microwave Towers                                                  TV Towers to  Your Home                                      Rock Stations Network across usa                                              Cell phone Towers                                              Verizon-data-map                                             The electronic noose tightens                                         The Digital prison in the air Future is now Escape from the Rock Alcatraz Island In Denmark, punishment is not about  the place ,’ he explains. ‘It is about  the lack of freedom .’  The inevitable implication of course is that  the who