
Showing posts from 2023

Who was Pope Adrian IV? - The Popes Series


The New Paganism

 The New Paganism The mutability of human nature broadly, and of gender in particular, is the Trojan Horse by which paganism has achieved its modern renaissance. via @CrisisMag

Prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots


Mystics of the Church: The battle for souls -The mystic saints vs. the de...

Mystics of the Church: The battle for souls -The mystic saints vs. the de... : St Wolfgang versus the devil The battle for souls -Stories of the attacks of the demons against modern day mystic saints ".......

Winning the Battle for Souls| National Catholic Register

Winning the Battle for Souls| National Catholic Register : A former satanist recounts her return to the Church and provides some timely advice about dealing with Halloween.

A Convert Among Communists and Carmelites

  A Convert Among Communists and Carmelites via @CrisisMag

This Is How Pope Francis Explains John the Baptist: With the Desert and the Voice - ZENIT - English

This Is How Pope Francis Explains John the Baptist: With the Desert and the Voice - ZENIT - English : Address on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, December 10, the Second Sunday of Advent

Inside Actor Bug Hall's Catholic Life After Taking a Vow of Poverty

  Inside Actor Bug Hall's Catholic Life After Taking a Vow of Poverty

Gunmen and sexism: On the road with Mexico's women truckers

  Gunmen and sexism: On the road with Mexico's women truckers

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Invitation from + Cordileone


"Catholic Feminism" - the LIES We Have Internalized


Baltimore Catechism Lesson 1: The Purpose of Man's Existence


For what purpose are we here on earth? Catholic Catechism Part 1


WHY ARE WE HERE ? ~ Father John Corapi


Litany of the Forty Martyrs of England & Wales


2 ways Mary guarded her sinless heart (explained by the Pope) - ZENIT - English

2 ways Mary guarded her sinless heart (explained by the Pope) - ZENIT - English : Allocution on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Friday, December 8, 2023, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

The Secret History Part 5 Audiobook


The Secret History Part 4 Audiobook


The Secret History Part 3 Audiobook


The Secret History Part 2 Audiobook


The Secret History Part 1 Audiobook


Gangs of New York (2002) Official Trailer - Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo D...


Pope’s Secretary of State Vindicates Value of Celibacy to 600 French Seminarians - ZENIT - English

Pope’s Secretary of State Vindicates Value of Celibacy to 600 French Seminarians - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father Francis’ Message signed by the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, for the meeting with France’s seminarians

Pope at climate change summit: the problem is not the number of births - ZENIT - English

Pope at climate change summit: the problem is not the number of births - ZENIT - English : "I too, who bear the name of Francis, would like to say to you with sincerity of heart: let us leave behind our divisions and join forces! And, with God's help, let us emerge from the night of war and environmental devastation to transform our common future into a luminous dawn," the Pope told the Summit against Climate Change in an address read by his Secretary of State.

What is the vigilance recommended by Jesus in the Gospel? Pope explains - ZENIT - English

What is the vigilance recommended by Jesus in the Gospel? Pope explains - ZENIT - English : Address at the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, December 3, 2023

“Evangelize Today,” The Catechesis That the Pope Did Not Say But That Everyone Heard - ZENIT - English

“Evangelize Today,” The Catechesis That the Pope Did Not Say But That Everyone Heard - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father’s General Audience on November 29, on the third aspect of the proclamation: it is for today

Pope Francis Explains Why The Church is Catholic - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Explains Why The Church is Catholic - ZENIT - English : Address at the General Audience of November 22, on the second aspect of the proclamation: universality

The National Media Missionary Gathering, 2023


USA: Bishops ask Pope to declare St. John Henry Newman a Doctor of the Church - ZENIT - English

USA: Bishops ask Pope to declare St. John Henry Newman a Doctor of the Church - ZENIT - English : During the plenary, the bishops received updates on the following items: the 2021-2024 Synod of Bishops, the U.S. bishops’ Eucharistic revival initiative and national congress, the Institute on the Catechism, and the recently-launched mental health campaign.

The Dissolution of the Monasteries


The Dissolution of the Monasteries


A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter Miller, Jr. - Part 1


The Platters - The Great Pretender - Lyrics


Pope Francis Speaks Clearly and Harshly About Violence Against Women and Exposes the Role of the Media - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Speaks Clearly and Harshly About Violence Against Women and Exposes the Role of the Media - ZENIT - English : Pope’s Message for the National Campaign Regarding Violence against Women, organized by RAI Radio 1

Pope Francis Will Offer Lunch and Mass for the Poor in the Vatican - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Will Offer Lunch and Mass for the Poor in the Vatican - ZENIT - English : This year the Lunch is being offered by the Hilton Hotels of Italy.

Iran’s President Calls the Pope, Prompted by the Invasion of Gaza - ZENIT - English

Iran’s President Calls the Pope, Prompted by the Invasion of Gaza - ZENIT - English : The Holy See also made known that the Holy Father talked with the Palestinian President

A day in the life of a prison officer


Rich countries renew abortion prosecution in Africa - ZENIT - English

Rich countries renew abortion prosecution in Africa - ZENIT - English : The Protocol mandates legalization of abortion on broad grounds, including in cases where the pregnancy is causing mental distress to the mother, and to recognize abortion as a human right. Patrick Djemo, DRC country director at MSI Reproductive Choices, said “There’s literally no circumstance under which a woman can find herself that cannot fit in any of these grounds.”

Rich countries will use food as a weapon to implement gender ideology and abortion - ZENIT - English

Rich countries will use food as a weapon to implement gender ideology and abortion - ZENIT - English : The guidelines will be used in programs of the World Food Program, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and other UN agencies involved in food security. The inclusion of ambiguous terms in the guidelines will allow wealthy progressive countries and UN agencies to leverage international food programs to impose abortion and homosexual/trans issues.

National Vocation Awareness Week Invites the Faithful to Pray for an Increase in Vocations in the United States - ZENIT - English

National Vocation Awareness Week Invites the Faithful to Pray for an Increase in Vocations in the United States - ZENIT - English : Beginning in 1976, the U.S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year as an opportunity for the Catholic Church in the United States to renew its prayerful support for those discerning an ecclesial vocation.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Vatican City | The Catholic Talk Show


How to Communicate the Beauty of the Gospel? Pope Francis Explains It with the Example of a French Saint - ZENIT - English

How to Communicate the Beauty of the Gospel? Pope Francis Explains It with the Example of a French Saint - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father’s General Audience on October 18 focused on Saint Charles de Foucauld, beating heart of charity in the hidden life.

Songs of the Rosary | Catholic & Mary Hymns for the Joyful, Luminous, So...


Catholic nuns in Gaza facing Israeli bombing threat: we will not flee without our sick and elderly people - ZENIT - English

Catholic nuns in Gaza facing Israeli bombing threat: we will not flee without our sick and elderly people - ZENIT - English : In her statement, Sister Nabila said: "We will not go. The people have nothing, not even the basic things. Where should we go? To die in the street? We have elderly people, here are also the Sisters of Mother Teresa, with disabled people and elderly people? We need medicines. Many hospitals are destroyed. Where should we go?"

Pope Francis Explains The Type of Relationship God Offers Us - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Explains The Type of Relationship God Offers Us - ZENIT - English : Address on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus prayer on Sunday, October 23, 2023

From the Vatican, Pope Appeals for Respect of Humanitarian Law in Gaza - ZENIT - English

From the Vatican, Pope Appeals for Respect of Humanitarian Law in Gaza - ZENIT - English : Pope asked 22,000 people, who gathered in Saint Peter’s Square at midday this Sunday, to pray a special Holy Mary for peace. He interceded for Gaza without minimizing what Israelis have suffered.

Pope explains healing, compassion and forgiveness with example of African saint - ZENIT - English

Pope explains healing, compassion and forgiveness with example of African saint - ZENIT - English : Pope's General Audience October 11 on St. Josephine Bakhita: Witness to the transforming power of Christ's forgiveness

United Nations Convention Against Torture Human Rights International Law...


Inspiring Words from Master Missionaries

  Inspiring Words from Master Missionaries  The spirit of missions is the spirit of  Christ — the very essence of true religion. —  David Livingstone.  Prayer and pains through faith in Jesus  Christ will do anything. — John Elliott.  Some can go, most can give, all can  pray. — Anon.  If America fail, the world will fail. — Park.  As America goes, so goes the world in  all that is vital to its moral welfare. — Austin  Phelps.  I tell you, fellow Christians, your love has  a broken wing if it can not fly across the  ocean. — Maltbie Babcock.  Every church should support two pastors  — one for the thousands at home, the other  for the millions abroad. — Jacob Chamberlain.  It is my deep conviction, and I say it  again, that if the Church of Christ were  what she ought to be, twenty years would  not pass away until the story of the Cross  would be uttered in the ears of every living  man. — Simeon H. Calhoun.  More consecrated money — money which  has passed through the mint of prayer an

An English Dominican friar and an Italian nun will be the preachers for the October Synod - ZENIT - English

An English Dominican friar and an Italian nun will be the preachers for the October Synod - ZENIT - English : These individuals will be preaching for the first time in the history of synods (from Paul VI to Francis) during a retreat prior to the start of the one in October 2023. Although participants are not obliged to attend, they have been strongly encouraged to do so.

This is the prayer of intercession for the synod that the Vatican is asking to be prayed all over the world - ZENIT - English

This is the prayer of intercession for the synod that the Vatican is asking to be prayed all over the world - ZENIT - English : A formula for universal prayer during the week, a formula for universal prayer on Sundays before the synod and a formula for benediction at the end of the Mass



The Other Letter to the Ephesians

  The Other Letter to the Ephesians more at:

What Is Needed to Truly Do Good? Pope Answers and Dispells Three Myths - ZENIT - English

What Is Needed to Truly Do Good? Pope Answers and Dispells Three Myths - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father’s address during the meeting with charity workers and inauguration of the “House of Mercy”.

Pope Francis Explains The “Harmony” That Religions Bring to Humanity and Recalls Ten Specific Aspects of the Asian - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Explains The “Harmony” That Religions Bring to Humanity and Recalls Ten Specific Aspects of the Asian - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father’s address during the Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Meeting with Religious Authorities of Mongolia.

Why Spend Life for the Gospel? Pope Francis Responds in An Address to Mongolian Catholics - ZENIT - English

Why Spend Life for the Gospel? Pope Francis Responds in An Address to Mongolian Catholics - ZENIT - English : Pope Francis’ address during his meeting with Bishops, Priests, Missionaries, Consecrated Persons and Pastoral Workers.

A Tale of Two Styles: Why Modesty Matters

  A Tale of Two Styles: Why Modesty Matters via @CrisisMag

Gloria Patri


Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto


Immaculate Mary | Lourdes Hymn | Choir with Lyrics | 5 Verses | Catholic...


The Last Temptation of the Lay Apologist

  The Last Temptation of the Lay Apologist via @CrisisMag

Gangs of New York (2002) Official Trailer - Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo D...


Is Tribalism Making a Comeback? - Evolutionary Psychology and in-Group Bias


25 Clever Catholic Quotes for Your Social Media Bio

  25 Clever Catholic Quotes for Your Social Media Bio

Eight Impressive Facts About the WYD that Perhaps You Didn’t Know - ZENIT - English

Eight Impressive Facts About the WYD that Perhaps You Didn’t Know - ZENIT - English : Numbers and facts of the world’s greatest Catholic event

Pope Francis Explains Mary’s Assumption with Two Words: Service and Praise - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Explains Mary’s Assumption with Two Words: Service and Praise - ZENIT - English : Address on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Difference Between Humans and Animals

  The Difference Between Humans and Animals

Lisbon WYD (Day 5): Pope Proposes Three Actions to 1.5 Million Young People in WYD, which Touched Hearts - ZENIT - English

Lisbon WYD (Day 5): Pope Proposes Three Actions to 1.5 Million Young People in WYD, which Touched Hearts - ZENIT - English : Pope’s Homily at the closing Mass of the World Youth Day.

This is the Catholic Korea that will host the 2027 WYD: a country where vocations grow, baptisms increase, and sacramental practices are strong - ZENIT - English

This is the Catholic Korea that will host the 2027 WYD: a country where vocations grow, baptisms increase, and sacramental practices are strong - ZENIT - English : Statistics of the Catholic Church in Korea, host country for the next WYD in 2027.

How Can We Sow Continually Without Tiring? Pope Explains Parable of the Sower - ZENIT - English

How Can We Sow Continually Without Tiring? Pope Explains Parable of the Sower - ZENIT - English : Address of Pope Francis in the Angelus prayer.

Pope Francis Explains Three Aspects of Saint Peter’s Name on “Pope’s Day” - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Explains Three Aspects of Saint Peter’s Name on “Pope’s Day” - ZENIT - English : Address on the occasion of the Angelus prayer on Thursday, June 29, 2023.

The Holy Spirit Is Memory and Guide: Pope’s Words to American Catholics, Disciples of Christ - ZENIT - English

The Holy Spirit Is Memory and Guide: Pope’s Words to American Catholics, Disciples of Christ - ZENIT - English : Address of the Pope to the International Commission for dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Disciples of Christ.

All of Us Need to Be Determined to “Sing Together as a Choir”: Joint Letter of Two Dicasteries Addressed to All Involved in the Church’s Mission of Education - ZENIT - English

All of Us Need to Be Determined to “Sing Together as a Choir”: Joint Letter of Two Dicasteries Addressed to All Involved in the Church’s Mission of Education - ZENIT - English : Joint letter from the Department for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and from the Department for Culture and Education addressed to agents of the educational mission of Catholic schools.

What Does Education Constitute? Pope Francis Explains It with The Life of a Saint of Oceania - ZENIT - English

What Does Education Constitute? Pope Francis Explains It with The Life of a Saint of Oceania - ZENIT - English : General Audience of the Pope Wednesday June 28 on a witness of apostolic zeal: Saint Mary MacKillop.

At Present, Mexico Is the Most Dangerous Country for Priests in Latin America. Here Are the Figures - ZENIT - English

At Present, Mexico Is the Most Dangerous Country for Priests in Latin America. Here Are the Figures - ZENIT - English : In the first five months of 2023, 3 have been killed. If the threats and attacks against representatives of the Catholic Church are taken into account, the number is more than alarming, since there were 800 incidents between October 2021 and October 2022. .

Jesuit Pope Explains the Most Important Jesuit Missionary: Saint Francis Xavier - ZENIT - English

Jesuit Pope Explains the Most Important Jesuit Missionary: Saint Francis Xavier - ZENIT - English : General Audience of the Pope Wednesday May 17 on San Francisco Javier, witness of apostolic zeal.

Pope at Audience: Love of Christ drove St. Francis Xavier to furthest frontiers - Vatican News

  Pope at Audience: Love of Christ drove St. Francis Xavier to furthest frontiers - Vatican News

Pope Francis on Woman’s Anthropological Identity, The Virgin of Fatima and Intimacy with The Holy Spirit - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis on Woman’s Anthropological Identity, The Virgin of Fatima and Intimacy with The Holy Spirit - ZENIT - English : Address of the Pope to the participants in the General Assembly of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO).

The Holy Spirit, The Devil and The Pope: Sunday’s Address from the Vatican - ZENIT - English

The Holy Spirit, The Devil and The Pope: Sunday’s Address from the Vatican - ZENIT - English : The Pope urged all Catholics to invoke the Holy Spirit more frequently and not to forget his presence.

Message of Pope Francis for 57th World Communications Day

  Message of Pope Francis for 57th World Communications Day

6 Stirring Facts About the Incredible Life of St. Damien of Moloka’i, Saint for the Abandoned -

6 Stirring Facts About the Incredible Life of St. Damien of Moloka’i, Saint for the Abandoned - : St. Damien of Moloka’i, also known as Father Damien, was a Catholic priest from Belgium who served leprosy patients in Hawaii.

10 Glorious Facts About Italian Mystic & Doctor of the Church St. Catherine of Siena -

10 Glorious Facts About Italian Mystic & Doctor of the Church St. Catherine of Siena - : St. Catherine of Siena is a 14th-century Italian mystic and theologian. Here's 10 things to know about her life of profound holiness!

Exorcists’ Response to First Public World Satanic Meeting To Be Held in Boston - ZENIT - English

Exorcists’ Response to First Public World Satanic Meeting To Be Held in Boston - ZENIT - English : The organizers of The Satanic Temple promote a great gathering from April 28 to 30, 2023.

USA: Church takes stand on Supreme Court ruling on abortion drug - ZENIT - English

USA: Church takes stand on Supreme Court ruling on abortion drug - ZENIT - English : The bishops expressed their tremendous disappointment at the ruling, as innocent lives will be lost and the woman consuming it will be endangered.

The Inspiring Story of Anna Zelíková, the Young Girl Who Found “Heroism in Little Things” -

The Inspiring Story of Anna Zelíková, the Young Girl Who Found “Heroism in Little Things” - : Born in 1924 in the Czech Republic, Anna Zelíková died of tuberculosis at the age of 17 whispering "I trust."

The Beautiful Stories of Catholics Who Converted Because of EWTN -

The Beautiful Stories of Catholics Who Converted Because of EWTN - : In celebration of Mother Angelica's 100th birthday, we've provided three beautiful stories as to how EWTN led viewers to the Catholic Church.

Why Mass Matters: The Secrets of the Sunday Obligation for Catholics -

Why Mass Matters: The Secrets of the Sunday Obligation for Catholics - : The guys at the Catholic Talk Show discuss the meaning of the Eucharist and the reasons why the Sunday Mass obligation is essential.

Priest Warns Catholics of the Dangers of Mediocrity: Don't Settle - It's the Enemy of Faith! -

Priest Warns Catholics of the Dangers of Mediocrity: Don't Settle - It's the Enemy of Faith! - : Catholic priest Fr. Bill Peckman warns of the dangers of mediocrity in faith: It is a "slow, suicidal death for those who adhere to it."

4 Fascinating Facts About Little-Known Servant of God Clarita Segura, Model for Teens -

4 Fascinating Facts About Little-Known Servant of God Clarita Segura, Model for Teens - : Clarita Segura was born on May 15, 1978 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was the youngest and only woman in a family of six children.

Dying Woman Has Vision of Jesus After Man Prays One Hail Mary: "You Saved My Life" -

Dying Woman Has Vision of Jesus After Man Prays One Hail Mary: "You Saved My Life" - : Fr. Joe Freedy appeared describes the power of praying one Hail Mary, according to a testimony from Pennsylvania resident John Petrovich.

The Many Appearances of Jesus After the Resurrection, According to Scripture -

The Many Appearances of Jesus After the Resurrection, According to Scripture - : Did you know that Jesus appeared multiple times after His resurrection, but before He ascended into Heaven?

“I Belong to Jesus”: The Captivating Faith of 14-Year-Old Italian Martyr Bl. Rolando Rivi -

“I Belong to Jesus”: The Captivating Faith of 14-Year-Old Italian Martyr Bl. Rolando Rivi - : Almost 80 years ago, young seminarian and martyr Bl. Rolando Rivi died at the hands of communist partisans.

Catholic Priest Unveils 8 "Common-Sense Proofs" the Resurrection Really Happened -

Catholic Priest Unveils 8 "Common-Sense Proofs" the Resurrection Really Happened - : Father Ronald Vierling shared some "'common sense' proofs of Our Lord's Resurrection" in a viral social media post.

A.I. Image =Hal_9000_Movie 2001

  A.I. Image =Hal_9000_Movie 2001 Exodus Chapter 32, The Golden Calf. 1-35 When the people saw that Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, “Come, make us a god who will go before us; as for that man Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.”

The Woman at the Well! Lent 3A


Gladiator Fights Stopped in Rome 16 Centuries Ago Because of This Saint -

Gladiator Fights Stopped in Rome 16 Centuries Ago Because of This Saint - : He had the courage to sacrifice everything for justice...

Moby Dick; Or, The Whale by Herman Melville


Pope Francis :The Mission

  Pope’s Address on Pastors and Laity: Exploring Ways of Participation - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father’s address to participants in the Conference organized by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. (ZENIT News / Vatic an City, 18.02.2023).- On Saturday morning, February 18, Pope Francis met — in the Bishops’ Synod Hall in Vatican City -, with the participants in the International Conference for Presidents and Referents of the Episcopal Commissions for the Laity. The Conference took place from February 16-18 and focused on the theme “Pastors and Lay Faithful Called to Journey Together.”  Here is the text of the Holy Father’s address, with phrases in bold added by ZENIT. * * * I thank Cardinal Farrell and I greet you, representatives of the Episcopal Commissions for the Laity, leaders of Ecclesial Associations and Movements, officials of the Dicastery and all present. You have come here from various countries to reflect on the shared responsibility of Pastors and lay faithful in

Saint Scholastica - Life Story


St. Scholastica, Virgin, sister of St. Benedetto

  St. Scholastica, Virgin, sister of St. Benedetto - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

Vocational Boom Continues in Korea: Seoul Now Has 1,000 Ordained Priests - ZENIT - English

Vocational Boom Continues in Korea: Seoul Now Has 1,000 Ordained Priests - ZENIT - English : Seoul now has 1,000 ordained priests in its young history, with the Ordination of 24 new priests and 20 new deacons.

Prayer to Saint Josephine Bakhita


3 Marian Prayers: Our Lady of China, Our Mother of Africa, Our Lady of Vailankanni - National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

3 Marian Prayers: Our Lady of China, Our Mother of Africa, Our Lady of Vailankanni - National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Reconciliation | Homily: Father Jean Aubin


Repentance & Reconciliation | Homily: Father Richard Crowley


The Fall of Constantinople


Holy Rosary - Glorious Mysteries (Mandarin with pin yin)


Sister Teresa Leung


The Vocation of Carmelite Nuns


Bringing the Catholic Faith to all Chinese


Saint Joseph of Leonissa - Life Story


This is the state of religious life in the United States: vocations, age, data, etc. - ZENIT - English

This is the state of religious life in the United States: vocations, age, data, etc. - ZENIT - English : The U.S. Episcopate releases the report of Georgetown University's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) in its 2023 edition. ZENIT News / Washington, 02.01.2023).-  Since 2010, the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has commissioned the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University to conduct a survey of women and men religious who profess perpetual vows each year in a religious congregation, province, or monastery based in the United States. For this project, CARA was asked to gather information about the characteristics and experiences of these religious and report the findings to the Secretariat for use with the World Day of Consecrated Life in February. CARA then programmed the questionnaires into an online survey to give respondents the option of co

An Interview With Deborah Keefe, Author
