
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Baltimore Catechism Revised Edition (1941) The Baltimore Catechism Revised Edition (1941)

The Church's Oldest Vocation: Life as a Consecrated Virgin


Biden, the Bishops, and the New Face of Catholicism - Crisis Magazine

Biden, the Bishops, and the New Face of Catholicism - Crisis Magazine : The presidency of Joe Biden presents a difficult challenge to our bishops.

Fulton J. Sheen: His Last Words (Good Friday, 1979)


Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Lyrics)


Bing Crosby – On A Slow Boat To China

13 Christians killed every day in the world because of their faith - Vatican News

13 Christians killed every day in the world because of their faith - Vatican News Christians march in Abuja during a prayer and penance gathering for peace and security in Nigeria on 1 March 2020 Christians march in Abuja during a prayer and penance gathering for peace and security in Nigeria on 1 March 2020 (AFP or licensors) CHURCH RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION REPORT 13 Christians killed every day in the world because of their faith The non-Governmental organization Open Doors releases its annual “World Watch List” report that lists the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith. By Linda Bordoni Every day, 13 Christians worldwide are killed because of their faith, 12 churches or Christian buildings are attacked and 12 Christians are unjustly arrested or imprisoned, while another 5 are abducted. This is according to the 2021 World Watch List annual report produced

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sacrament of Matrimony

False Freedom and the Culture of Death

Why Do We Call It a "Culture of Death"?| National Catholic Register

Why Do We Call It a "Culture of Death"?| National Catholic Register : Earlier this week, Protestant author and blogger Rachel Held Evans conducted an interview with Sister Helena Burns about what it's like to be a nun. It was...

Monastic Compline
