
Showing posts from 2018

Get Out Now: The Compelling Case Against Public Schools - Crisis Magazine

Get Out Now: The Compelling Case Against Public Schools - Crisis Magazine : So many of us have heard indirectly and anecdotally that our public school system is a nationwide wasteland that does harm to children and has wrought havoc upon our culture, values, and sense of history. But has anyone really taken the time and energy to examine this catastrophe at its root? Perhaps not until now. …

Answering a Protestant's Objections to the Catholic Faith


Ethiopia: Islamists bribing Christians to convert | ICN

Ethiopia: Islamists bribing Christians to convert | ICN : Young Christians in Ethiopia are being lured to convert to Islam by promises of jobs, education, help to buy houses and other aid, according to a Christian leader.Christians, desperate to escape poverty, are being bribed to join the Muslim religion, Aid to the Church in Need was ...

In a Martyr's own words - clip from God's Champion, Saint Edmund Campion...


The Blood of the Martyrs Catholic DVD trailer


Christmas with the Saints and English Martyrs of the Church, Christmas 2...


Lives of the Saints, All Saints Day, Catholic movies of the Saints and E...


Saint Mechtilde of Magdeburg and the Souls in Purgatory, Catholic film NEW


Saint Dominic Savio Catholic film trailer, Vision of England and torch o...


Catholic Movie Trailers - Films of the Saints and English Martyrs


'Reconciliation' EWTN Airs Fr. Robert Altier's 4 part mini-series 40sec ...


Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary HD


Who Will We Serve? - Aug 26 - Homily - Fr Ignatius


St Januarius | ICN

St Januarius | ICN : Martyr. Patron of Naples. This early saint was Bishop of Benevento when the Emperor Diocletian turned his fury on Christians. One day St Januarius visited some deacons and lay people who had been thrown into a dungeon for their faith. The jailers informed the authorities and he was arre...

To Hell and Back, the vision of Saint John Bosco, FILM clip, Mary's Dowr...


Blessed Alexandrina da Costa film trailer, Eucharistic miracle, film, Ma...


The Pope Francis Minute: The First Animation of the Life of St. Mother T...


How to Become a Catholic | Catholic Answers

How to Become a Catholic | Catholic Answers

Mormon girl converts to Catholicism


St Aidan | ICN

St Aidan | ICN : Monk of Iona, first bishop and abbot of Lindisfarne. Born in Ireland, St Aidan came to England in the 7th century when King Oswald was living in exile with the monks at Iona, during the Mercian invasion. The King became Christian and when he regained his throne he gave Aidan the island...

The Apparition of La Salette


Exclusive: Martin Scorsese discusses his faith, his struggles, and "Sile...


St Rose of Lima | ICN

St Rose of Lima | ICN : The first saint of the New World, Saint Rose is the patron of South America and the Philippines.She was born into a moderately wealthy Spanish family in Lima, Peru in 1586. The family lost everything everything when their business failed. Rose worked in the garden all day a...

Cardinal Nichols expresses sorrow and shame about abuse in the Church | ICN

Cardinal Nichols expresses sorrow and shame about abuse in the Church | ICN : Cardinal Vincent Nichols has written to clergy of Westminster diocese in response to the letter from Pope Francis on the abuse of children in the Church.In the letter, the Cardinal expresses sorrow and shame, saying:'I am so sorry for the hurt that has been caused, primari...

Dominique (The Singing Nun)


The Singing Nun Dominique italian


Unprotected Trailer


St Symphorian | ICN

St Symphorian | ICN : Martyr. This third or fourth century saint was one of the most revered martyrs of Roman Gaul. According to tradition, Symphorian was a young nobleman who was converted by Benignus at Autun. When he was accused of showing contempt for the goddess Cybele during a festival in her honour...

Korean Catholic Martyrs - Special Exhibit at Vatican Museums - EWTN Vati...


Bringing the Catholic Faith to all Chinese


Faith in Hong Kong and the Mainland


China - Catholics in Beijing welcome new converts


Austin Ruse - Former Methodist - The Coming Home Network

Austin Ruse - Former Methodist - The Coming Home Network : Austin Ruse came from a nominally Methodist background, with a few flashes of grace along the way. However, when he was in college and heard a professor attack religion, it...

St Pius X | ICN

St Pius X | ICN : Pope. Born in 1835, he was the son of a shoemaker and postman who lived near Treviso in Italy.He went to the local village school before joining the seminary near Padua. He spent the next 17 years in parish work before being appointed chancellor of the diocese in Treviso. Ni...

#WhyCatholic: Why Don't Catholics Read the Bible? | TheGenFem


EC2015 Leah Libresco - My Conversion Story


Peru: Jesuit priest killed | ICN

Peru: Jesuit priest killed | ICN : A Spanish Jesuit missionary priest working amng the indigenous people in Peru's Amazonia regions has been killed. The body of Father Carlos Riudavets Montes was found on Friday morning with his hands tied and several stab wounds lying in the kitchen of the Valentín Salegui school he ra...

Pope Francis: 'It is evil not to do good!' | ICN

Pope Francis: 'It is evil not to do good!' | ICN : In his address to pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square for the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis said being a good Christian is more than merely not doing evil - A good Christian does good and actively opposes evil.'The Pope was reflecting on the day's Second Reading, in which S...

Atheist blogger adopts Catholicism


Melania is a Catholic?


Largest Catholic population in Americas, but fastest growth in Asia and ...


The Liberal Catholic Legacy: From Strict Separation to 'Social Justice' - Crisis Magazine

The Liberal Catholic Legacy: From Strict Separation to 'Social Justice' - Crisis Magazine : John F. Kennedy delivered a memorable speech in the presidential campaign of 1960, proclaiming the absolute separation of church and state.  His words still reverberate among American Catholics, as we saw during the primary season of 2012 when Senator Rick Santorum said Kennedy’s speech made him “throw up.”  Naturally, this got our attention and made …

Dominic, Friend of Francis, Champion of the Rosary - Aug 08 - Homily - F...


Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist on Oprah!


Introduction Ep 1: Dr Thomas Woods: The Catholic Church - Builder of Civ...


Praying with the Pope in June


The battle is between the Church and the anti-Church the Church of God and anti-God the Church of Christ and anti-Chris

Image the battle  is between the Church and the anti-Church  the Church of God and anti-God the Church of Christ and anti-Christ. There is a battle on between the retention of Catholic morals, tradition, and authority on the one side, and the active effort to destroy them on the other. The attack will not tolerate us. It will attempt to destroy us. Nor can we tolerate it. We must attempt to destroy it as being the fully equipped and ardent enemy of the Truth by which men live. The duel is to the death. p146-148 The new advance against the Church, what may prove to be the final advance against the Church, what is at any rate the only modern enemy of consequence--is fundamentally materialist. It is  materialist in its reading of history, and above all in its proposals for social reform. Being Atheist, it  is characteristic of the advancing wave that repudiates the human reason.. The great Modern Attack (which is more than a heresy)

Is Our Lady of La Salette sending us a message for us today?


Irish Pro-lifers Campaign to Keep Abortion Illegal - Crisis Magazine

Irish Pro-lifers Campaign to Keep Abortion Illegal - Crisis Magazine : Ireland may well become the first country to introduce abortion by popular vote. This would follow a thirty-five year campaign by abortion advocates to overcome a 1983 amendment protecting the life of the unborn. The Irish Constitution can be amended by the electorate in a referendum. A referendum put to the people is proposed by …

Catholic Kids Homilies- Easter Week 6 (Cycle B)


The Seekers Love Is Kind Love Is Wine 1968 HD Wide Screen


The Cure- Friday im in love (lyrics)


The Fray - Love Don't Die (Lyric Video)


Robert Palmer Addicted To Love Song And Lyrics


The Doors - Love Me Two Times Lyrics


Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - Connie Francis


John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air (+lyrics) [HD]


A world without love - Peter and Gordon


The Pope Video: May 2018 - Mission of the Laity | ICN

The Pope Video: May 2018 - Mission of the Laity | ICN : That the lay faithful may fulfil their specific mission, by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today....

The life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola short clip


The life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola short clip


Being Nice Isn't Good Enough - Crisis Magazine

Being Nice Isn't Good Enough - Crisis Magazine : We often hear that religion is a very private matter. It’s a nice sentiment. It’s inclusive and non-judgmental. And nice non-religious people are really quite pleasant to be around. Catholics can be nice people too. We drive to work to nice offices—I walk to work from a nice rectory—and we return to our households with …

Let's Pray Together! 3 min of guided prayer


Error of Juvenilism


Catholic Kids Homilies- Easter Week 4 (Cycle B)


Let's Pray the Hail Mary! 2 min of guided prayer


Bishop Robert Barron on The Book of Revelation


Converted by the Cross - Fr. Jurgen Liias - The Coming Home Network

Converted by the Cross - Fr. Jurgen Liias - The Coming Home Network : As a refugee of post-war Germany, Fr. Jurgen came to America with his family in 1952 and was given shelter by an Episcopal priest in Massachusetts. Fr. Liias went on...

Ladies: Thoughts Our Destruction or Our Salvation


Pope hopes for fairer distribution of wealth | ICN

Pope hopes for fairer distribution of wealth | ICN : In a preface to a new book out on 12 April, entitled 'Power and Money: Social Justice according to Bergoglio' by Michele Zanzucchi, Pope Francis o...

New film tells story of Irish Presentation Nun - Sister India | ICN

New film tells story of Irish Presentation Nun - Sister India | ICN : An Irish Presentation Sister, Sr Loreto Houlihan, is the subject of a documentary - Sister India - produced by Irish film-maker, Myles O'Reilly. Sr...

Pope Francis tells Missionaries of Mercy: We experience God's mercy before we share it | ICN

Pope Francis tells Missionaries of Mercy: We experience God's mercy before we share it | ICN : During an audience on Tuesday with around 550 Missionaries of Mercy, Pope Francis encouraged them saying they provide a much needed service to the ...

Bookmark Brief- Who Does He Say You Are?


Discovering our Saint's - St. Katharine Drexel


'Christ was my Lord, and I had to follow him wherever he led me.' - Peter Kreeft - The Coming Home Network

'Christ was my Lord, and I had to follow him wherever he led me.' - Peter Kreeft - The Coming Home Network : In our latest Signposts video short, philosopher and popular Christian author Dr. Peter Kreeft shares a portion of his journey from Reformed Calvinism to the Catholic Church. Raised in the...

US Bishops disappointed by failure of Congress to enact Conscience Protection Act | ICN

US Bishops disappointed by failure of Congress to enact Conscience Protection Act | ICN : Cardinal Timothy M Dolan of New York, chair of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Archbishop Jose...

St Toribio of Lima | ICN

St Toribio of Lima | ICN : Reforming bishop. A patron of missionaries and South America.Toribio Alfonso de Mogrobejo was born in Mayorga, in Spain, in 1538. A law pro...

Obama's 'Right to Worship' Ushers in New State Religion - Crisis Magazine

Obama's 'Right to Worship' Ushers in New State Religion - Crisis Magazine : The constitutions or laws of many nations provide for what is called “religious liberty.” In practice, this liberty is under severe restrictions in numerous countries, if it exists at all. The fact is that no one can really talk about religious freedom without examining what the “religion” holds. Grace builds on nature but does not …

Palm Sunday and the Passion


Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: Belloc on Two Philosophers: Descartes and Pascal

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: Belloc on Two Philosophers: Descartes and Pascal : Tomorrow, Anna Mitchell and I will conduct our penultimate discussion of Hilaire Belloc's Characters of the Reformation on the Son Ri...

Why Are You Catholic?  - Crisis Magazine

Why Are You Catholic?  - Crisis Magazine : Some people call me a street preacher. I’m not a street preacher. The label does roll off the tongue, but it also carries a fairly negative connotation. I could be more accurately described as a street questioner. I spend about a dozen Saturday mornings each year, standing on a street corner adjacent to the Farmer’s …

Sweet Sacrament Divine


Catholic Hymnal: Hail Mary ever Blessed


Catholic Hymnal: Praise to the holiest in the height


Holy House of Loreto


Check out our new website!


Lara, EWTN Area Coordinator Shares


Crossing the Goal - New Evangelization, Our Mission


Johnnette Benkovic on the EWTN Media Missionaries


EWTN Media Missionaries - Parish Involvement


EWTN Media Missionaries - Public Outreach


EWTN Media Missionaries - Personal Prayer


EWTN Media Missionaries Introduction


The Age of the Android: More Machine Than Man - Crisis Magazine

The Age of the Android: More Machine Than Man - Crisis Magazine : I am not a techy-type and I never thought I would do it, but I did—I took the infernal trouble of customizing my cellular telephone’s ringtone. With tongue in cheek, but not without symbolic intent, I programmed my phone to emit the sound of Darth Vader’s ominous breathing for every incoming call. Though people start …