Prayer of Single People

Heavenly Father, after much prayer and reflection it is my belief that I can best serve you in the single state. Let me be true to my vocation to this life and never do anthing to sully it. As I freely give up the benefits of married life, I am aware that I also give up its difficulties and receive in turn the benefits of the single state. Enable me to appreciate the freedom at my disposal–from cares and concerns of spouses and children, from a highly structured life-style, and from the legitimate demands of family members.
Help me to make good use of the added time I have available. Inspire me to give of myself to others, to be an example to my married friends and a comfort to my single friends. May I ever realize that whether single or married our one concern should be to serve you each day and to serve others for your sake. Grant that I may be so attached to you that I may never feel lonely in my chosen state.
Source: The New Saint Joseph People’s Prayer Book 1993


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