
The Baptism Of The Lord: From The Jordan To Life In The Spirit

  The Baptism Of The Lord: From The Jordan To Life In The Spirit

Vatican Reveals Number of Countries with Which It Has Diplomatic Relations - ZENIT - English

  Vatican Reveals Number of Countries with Which It Has Diplomatic Relations - ZENIT - English

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive


What does it mean that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness and that the darkness did not overcome him? Pope Francis answers - ZENIT - English

What does it mean that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness and that the darkness did not overcome him? Pope Francis answers - ZENIT - English : Allocution on the occasion of the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday, January 5, 2025

This is the religion of the new congressmen and senators in the U.S. Congress: Protestant and Catholic (and Jewish overrepresentation) - ZENIT - English

This is the religion of the new congressmen and senators in the U.S. Congress: Protestant and Catholic (and Jewish overrepresentation) - ZENIT - English : The Catholic presence in Congress stands at 150 members, a slight uptick from the last session but below the average of the past 15 years. Catholics comprise 29% of the House and 24% of the Senate, maintaining a prominent, though slightly diminished, influence.

Pope Francis canonizes the nuns whose martyrdom meant the end of the French Revolution: famous for the book by Geroge Bernanos - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis canonizes the nuns whose martyrdom meant the end of the French Revolution: famous for the book by Geroge Bernanos - ZENIT - English : Pope Francis has elevated 16 Carmelite nuns from Compiègne to sainthood through a process known as “canonization equipollente”